Thursday, August 9, 2012

Paternal Sunshine--Water World

Too Fast, Too Curious:  As we were starting the day, I looked up and somehow, in the blink of an eye, you were up in the big rocking chair.  I went real quickly to get my phone to snap a pic; somehow you were reading a book rocking really hard!  I’m a good father.  Promise.

"Can you get Kennedy out of here, please?"

Easy Rider:  We went for our usual stroll.  At the end, some Jack Russell Terrorists had gotten out of neighbor’s yard and were yipping at us in the middle of the street.  Kenz was surprisingly awesome as I shooed them away with my Pitching Wedge (I know, I should’ve gone with the 9 and taken a little off the swing).

Splash:  You played and played in the splash pad Gamma Evie got you.  And by “played”, I mean found a way to use all of the toys as cups from which to drink. ¡Salúd!
Then, we took a bath (photo not available) to wash off all our mosquito repellant.  Damn mosquitoes.

"This should be my last one.  I'm driving."

Feed (like Speed? Whatevs):  You did a pretty dang good job feeding yourself some mershed potatoes with a spoon!

Sensible bites....

HEBeing There:  A quick run to HEB, more cuteness, more non-inside-voice. Hey, lady, we’ll be as loud as we want.  What are we, in the Guggenheim?

A Fish Called Lola:  Off to The Y again to continue our swimming lessons.  You wanted to leave half way through, but when they brought out the plastic “baaws”, you got excited again.  This time, I wasn’t the only dude!  Another dad, Javier?, was there. BTW, the other babies’ names are Grace, Isabella and Isabella.  Hmmm…

Why don't you try and get a picture of this girl?!

Then home again for the usual shenanigans before bed, bath and beyond.  I love you so much!  You’re like a little person and you’re actually helpful.  As I put on your swimsuit, you started grumbling, “deesh!” and pointing to the diaper table.  I forgot to put on your swim diaper and you remembered!  I swear to God you remembered!  I love you so much, smart girl!

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