Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Paternal Sunshine--The Life Aquatic

Long day, but fun!

Hairsplay:  did a pretty damn good chongo today if I do say so my damn self.

"Yeah, Dada, a ponytail pic.  That'll keep people coming back for more."

Lung Guns:  we’ve been needing you to get a chest X-ray for some time so your pulmonologist (that just means inhaler provider) can work on your baby asthma.  You were so awesome!  You just played and played in the waiting room while I filled out paperwork (I’m pretty sure I refinanced our house somewhere in that packet).  You even recovered like a champ after you fell off the stool.
The tech was blown away by how easy you were:  “Wow! One and done.” And I’m all, “Yeah she’s awesome!  What’d you expect!” And she’s all, “Well I didn’t know.” So I’m like, “Well now you know! We out!”  And you were like, “Peace, homes!”*

"look, lady, the strap goes under the arms"
Hope Floaties:  not only can you get yourself cleaned and have a good meal, you can also take swimming lessons at the Y-M-C-A!  As usual, you took to the water like a, um, fish to the water?  You were crazy and loud and shouted “BAW!” every time we did an activity with a ball.  Three more lessons left!

Eyein' the competition

Supper Troopers:  after swimming, we met Mommy at Doc’s for some burgers and memories.  Even though you were clearly exhausted, you were so easy and fun at the table.

Tired but hanging in there
Originally, this title was Precious: Based on the Novel “Push” by Sapphire, but Mommy told me this is a pretty awful movie reference for any father-daughter relationship.  I should read more. 
A Long Day's Journey Into Night:  finally, we played at home with Mommy and then put your little butt to bed.  Busy day!
*pretty much none of this dialogue is true after the “one and done” bit.  Still.

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