Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Paternal Sunshine--The Oddfather II

Daddy Daycare Redux:  For last month of summer "Vacation" we got to spend a lot of time together (and save some scratch from daycare!).   Our time together started in earnest on Wednesday.

Easy Rider:  We started off with a "walk" around the neighbs, Kennedy in-tow. Kenz was surprisingly good, you babbled and pointed at everything we saw: "deesh [this!]!", "puppy!', and for some reason: "Turk has the bikini wheel." If you say so.

Swingers:  After we ran errands, we went to Garrison Park—it was bout 135 degrees, so we didn’t stay long.  You got your money’s worth, though.  Swinging with a “weeee” every time, doing laps through the playscape, sliding all by yourself, climbing all over the damn place.  I got my cardio in for sure.

Failure to Lunch:  Your hunger strike continues—you are clearly preoccupied with this Syria revolution thing.  What, Mommy’s broccoli mashed potatoes aren’t good enough for ya?  I thought they were delish!

Return of the Bed-I:  When we came back home you refused to take your afternoon nap—so I had to cook with you bugging me the whole time. (Remember, I love you). 

Great day, Lo!  Let’s do this the rest of the summer!

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