Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Paternal Sunshine--The Kid's Alright

I think I could get used to this!

Toy Story:  We pretty much just goofed around in the morning; playing with toys, putting stuff in & out of other stuff, and generally thrashing the living room.  You really know your colors and group things where they should go.  Barrettes with barrettes, blocks with blocks, kitchen stuff with kitchen stuff.  You love your kitchen!  “byeep byeep” when you press the buttons, “shhhhh” when you wash at the sink, stirring pots with spoons—then you serve us when it’s ready.

"Better than The Hunger Games."

Food Inc.:  After you killed your lunch, we met Mommy at work to go have lunch across the street from her building.  You were real good at the table and you ran through the courtyard when we got back to her building: “aaaahhh!”

Ava-Target:  We hit up le targét to get stuff for our trip to Port A!  You screamed your little face off and every time we saw a product with a dog pictured on the front (which was surprisingly often—look for yourself next time), you’d say “pyuppie!”

"They already put up back-to-school crap! NOOOOOOO!!"

Pine-nap-ple Express:  You took a two-hour nap in the afternoon!  More than two hours!  You took a one-hour nap this morning!  Crazy.

Just a little tired

Bathing Privates Ryan:  Before bed, you and Mommy took a bath together.  Sounded crazy fun!

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