Thursday, August 2, 2012

Paternal Sunshine--Analyze This

A fun, easy day capped off with a psychological milestone? Prolly.

Easy Rider: Went on our quickly-becoming-daily walk.  More pointing, more cuteness.  When Kennedy gets ahead, you yell at her “Ba!” imitating my “back” command.  You’re really starting to boss Kenz around—I kinda like it?

(You'll notice the 9 iron in the stroller because of the packs of stray dogs that control most of the major cities in America)

Sleeping Beauty (awww….) : You took a beast of a nap!  I learned my lesson from yesterday and prepped dinner in the morning incase you didn’t sleep in the afternoon.  You didn’t sleep in the afternoon.

(Couldn't be more stimulated)

Mallbrats:  Since it was about 175o outside, we, upon the advice of Mommy, went to the mall to, like, you know, walk around.  Idk, omg!  I ran into two former students buying stuff for college, you charmed their chones off.  You liked it when we’d run into to the mirror posts and go “booooom!”  Then, you stopped, looked at the mirror, and slowly, methodically removed your barrette.  Does this mean you have….

6th Sense-of-Self: if you can tell that the barrette is on your head not some other damn baby, this means you know you exist!  Trippy.  How do we test this?  Classic. When Mommy came home we put some eye shadow (sorry, Piaget, they don’t make rouge any more) on your nose.  After playing with the sink faucet, you looked up and pushed down your nose!  Mommy shouted in shock, "She's GT!”  You're only 19 months, most babies don't have sense-of-self til they're two! (I didn't til I was a Sophomore)

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