Friday, August 3, 2012

Paternal Sunshine--Jungle (Gym) Fever

We didn’t take our usual stroll this morning because we had a blast at…

Floor-est Jump:  We went to “Little Gym”! (picture a Salvador Dali nightmare of pads and mats and rings and bars).  The “goal” for the day was to let the kids be independent—not cling to their parents.  Well, the way you slingshotted off to the equipment showed that this wasn’t gonna be an issue!  You hung from the bars by yourself, walked across the balance beam by yourself and you even stuck the landing! (unlike that little beyotch from Russia) Crazy fun!



"Now all that separates Lola from the Gold is the dismount."

Kid N’ Play’s House Party II:  We played around at home.  You definitely know your colors: matching them up on the caterpillar that Aunt Leyna got you.  You then “set the table” for me by putting out bowls and spoons.
File photo of Lola eating at the table. (c) Getty Images

You kept bringing me barrettes to put in your hair and pointing me to where they should go.  You got it!

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