Thursday, February 24, 2011

From Here to Paternity—The Infant Strikes Back

Day 4.  Well, today was pretty frustrating; but none of it was your fault.  It wasn’t your fault you woke up at the “wrong” times last night….and this morning.  It’s not your fault I filled up the baby bath tub without plugging it first.  It’s not your fault you promptly pooped yourself up about ten minutes after your bath or peed yourself while I changed you—twice! Oh, and then you dropped another bomb later in the afternoon.
I love how you sneeze a bunch of times in a row—just like your mom!  Here’s what else:

Bottle Rocket: You ate at 3:30, 6:45, 9:57,12:55, 4:00
While You Were Sleeping: um, you really didn’t. I had lunch at 2:20, took my morning shower around five.
The Green Pile: see above.
Water World: after using three towels to clean up (see above) we took a bath.  You loved it! You just chilled like a Mini-Biggy Smalls in a hot tub.
Sideways: not too shabby.  A couple of good push-ups.

We'll get 'em tomorrow!

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