Monday, February 28, 2011

From Here to Paternity—Fun, Lola. Fun.

Day 6. Alright, I’ve been waiting to use this title for a while.  Still, it was a fun day! You slept enough to let me do work and we had a blast while you were awake!

Bottle Rocket: You ate at 5:12, 8:52, 11:40 (you helped out, see above), 2:48, 5:30
While You Were Sleeping: I watched MacGruber (in spurts), did the dishes, folded clothes, and other awesome things.
Lotion’s Eleven: you weren’t a big fan of spa time…and you left a crappy tip. Twenty percent is pretty standard!
Look Who’s Tracking: you were mesmerized by your African animals mobile.  Did it help that I safetypinned home-made high-contrast shapes to their butts? I don’t know…but you were enthralled in the morning and afternoon!

Learn After Reading: we read the first part of Life of Pi (not the post-modern-hump-“Author’s Note” at the very beginning but Chapter 1).  You always skip to Chapter 1! At first you were bored but you really liked the part about the three-toed sloth.

 Sideways: you were a beast from beginning to end! You got some major air & covered at least three inches of ground!....2 ½ at the very least.

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