Monday, February 21, 2011

From Here to Paternity--Daddy Day Care: Day 1

So here’s my take on my two weeks of paternity leave.  If I skip a day or two, it’s because I’m completely overwhelmed.  Hope you enjoy!

Milk: You ate at 6:11, 9:38, 12:40, 3:30, 6:19
While You Were Sleeping: I created this blog post (do you think these witty categories create themselves?), watched Freakonomics (the first two parts, anyway) on Instant Netflix, washed (not folded) your clothes, set up the mise en place for dinner (after Googling what a shallot is)
Learn After Reading: we read The Very Hungry Caterpillar and compared your appetite to the elevated metabolism of any organism undergoing a metamorphosis. 
Babel: You tried to say “I love you, Daddy,” but it came out “gerph, neh, enh”
Poop Fiction: all excretions were urethral today.  I appreciate it.
Sideways: you had 10 total minutes of “tummy time”.  It was hard work and you didn't give up. You did really well.
Björn Identity: At one point you loved being strapped to my torso.  Then something changed.  Something really changed.

1 comment:

  1. Loving the quilt!I'm trying to send your link to my mom, the internet-challenged old fogey that she is.
