Tuesday, February 22, 2011

From Here to Paternity--The Oddfather Part II

Day 2.  Lola, today you reminded me of the joy of the minute-and-a-half-fully-body stretch.

Bottle Rocket: you ate at 7:27, 10:11, 1:28, 4:05
While You Were Sleeping: continued Freakonomics (from minute 23 to minute 47), set up mise en place for dinner (used onions instead of shallots, chopped marjoram), washed dishes & bottles--look, no one's making you read this blog, okay?
Dad Man Walking: you were often sleepy, but not asleep. I found myself pacing you around the house, twenty minutes at a time--like a bear at the San Antonio Zoo. 
Babel: I really do feel that, for two minutes there, every time I said “Hi!” you responded with a  robust “Hanh!” For real! A bunch of times! (unless this is developmentally impossible, of course)
Lotion’s 11: during what Mommy calls “Spa Day”, you got a fresh coat of Johnson’s shea & cocoa butter baby lotion.  The Aveeno on your head gave you an adorable Larry Fine look.
Poop Fiction: since you literally got it out of your system on Mommy's watch last night, no poop for you!
Sideways: another great workout during Tummy Time.  You fully lifted your head up & down several times--pretty impressive since you're, like, half-head.

1 comment:

  1. I love shallots. And keep up the hard work with tummy time, Lola!!
