Friday, March 11, 2011


Dear Lola,

I had so much fun taking care of you this week. Your smile is contagious. I love how you hold your hands together and look up at the lights. You coo so beautifully and pretty soon I know you will tell me about the wonderful things you have learned. I love your panza, your feet and little toes, your full cheeks, your chunky thighs, grandpa Leonard’s nose, your momma’s chin and smile and your daddy’s eyes. I only saw Grandma Chepa’s dimple three times, but I am sure it will be prominent very soon. Thanks for letting me be a part of your wonderful life. I also got to see how you respond to your momma’s voice and smile. I love how you listen to your daddy read about bugs to you and how you don’t want him to stop reading! You are so very blessed to have such wonderful parents! I will think about you every single day I am away from you. I can’t wait till I can come back to Austin to visit with you again. Be a brave girl when you go to day care, the care takers will fall in love with you and will take very good care of you. Just smile your dazzling smile and you will be their favorite little girl!
I love you with all my heart,
Grandma Evie

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