Friday, March 4, 2011

From Here to Paternity—Last Tango to Pair Us

Day 10. So bitter-sweet.  I feel like we’re really getting to know each other—maybe that’s why we’ve had so many easy days lately.  You took a nap with me this morning up in the bed—i know: against the rules, but so awesome.  You wouldn’t let me put you down this afternoon; you’d only sleep in my arms.  Fun day.  I’m so glad we got to spend this time together.

Bottle Rocket: you ate at 4:10, 8ish, 11:11, 1:45, 4:45
While You Were Sleeping: doing bottles, laundry, and generally keeping it real.
Lotion’s Eleven: oooooh, you did not like spa time today.
Björn on the 4th of March: you weren’t a real fan today.  In fact, we came in a little early when you started getting ansty in the onesy.  Before we called it quits, we listened to:
David Byrne=>The Beach Boys=>The Kinks=>Devotchka=>Sarah Jaffe=>Postal Service
Sleeping with the Infancy: you slept up in the bed this morning and in my arms this afternoon. Cute

Ten Things I Love About You: I learned, in no particular order:
1.      You stick your big toe out when you eat
2.      You sneeze exactly like Mommy.
3.      You get really cranky when you’re sleepy—then, you’re out like a light.
4.      Some days you love spa time, other days, you don’t.
5.      Same with baby björn time.
6.      You can totally hold your head up and watch me make silly noises (was that a smile?)
7.      You’ll let yourself sleep in the morning, but not in the afternoon.
8.      You have a pretty smile.
9.      Just because you’re making noise in the crib doesn’t mean you need to get up.
10. You like observing the mobile when you’re in the crib and the books over my shoulder when you’re eating.

I love you, Lola.

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