Friday, March 11, 2011


Dear Lola,

I had so much fun taking care of you this week. Your smile is contagious. I love how you hold your hands together and look up at the lights. You coo so beautifully and pretty soon I know you will tell me about the wonderful things you have learned. I love your panza, your feet and little toes, your full cheeks, your chunky thighs, grandpa Leonard’s nose, your momma’s chin and smile and your daddy’s eyes. I only saw Grandma Chepa’s dimple three times, but I am sure it will be prominent very soon. Thanks for letting me be a part of your wonderful life. I also got to see how you respond to your momma’s voice and smile. I love how you listen to your daddy read about bugs to you and how you don’t want him to stop reading! You are so very blessed to have such wonderful parents! I will think about you every single day I am away from you. I can’t wait till I can come back to Austin to visit with you again. Be a brave girl when you go to day care, the care takers will fall in love with you and will take very good care of you. Just smile your dazzling smile and you will be their favorite little girl!
I love you with all my heart,
Grandma Evie

Friday, March 4, 2011

From Here to Paternity—Last Tango to Pair Us

Day 10. So bitter-sweet.  I feel like we’re really getting to know each other—maybe that’s why we’ve had so many easy days lately.  You took a nap with me this morning up in the bed—i know: against the rules, but so awesome.  You wouldn’t let me put you down this afternoon; you’d only sleep in my arms.  Fun day.  I’m so glad we got to spend this time together.

Bottle Rocket: you ate at 4:10, 8ish, 11:11, 1:45, 4:45
While You Were Sleeping: doing bottles, laundry, and generally keeping it real.
Lotion’s Eleven: oooooh, you did not like spa time today.
Björn on the 4th of March: you weren’t a real fan today.  In fact, we came in a little early when you started getting ansty in the onesy.  Before we called it quits, we listened to:
David Byrne=>The Beach Boys=>The Kinks=>Devotchka=>Sarah Jaffe=>Postal Service
Sleeping with the Infancy: you slept up in the bed this morning and in my arms this afternoon. Cute

Ten Things I Love About You: I learned, in no particular order:
1.      You stick your big toe out when you eat
2.      You sneeze exactly like Mommy.
3.      You get really cranky when you’re sleepy—then, you’re out like a light.
4.      Some days you love spa time, other days, you don’t.
5.      Same with baby björn time.
6.      You can totally hold your head up and watch me make silly noises (was that a smile?)
7.      You’ll let yourself sleep in the morning, but not in the afternoon.
8.      You have a pretty smile.
9.      Just because you’re making noise in the crib doesn’t mean you need to get up.
10. You like observing the mobile when you’re in the crib and the books over my shoulder when you’re eating.

I love you, Lola.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

From Here to Paternity—Million Dollar Baby

Day 9. Another great one!  You slept up in the bed with me this morning—maybe against the rules but it was awesome! We took a bath, had some tummy time and played and played.

Bottle Rocket: you ate at 4:40, 8 even, 10:44, 1:10, 4:05
While You Were Sleeping: I did the usual awesome stuff and set things up with daycare L
Lotion’s Eleven: you totally loved spa day—I had to slather on some extra lotion on your sun-burned head because I forgot to apply sun bock on you yesterday before our walk.  Don’t call CPS on me!
Splash (I wanted to go with Fishtar, but I thought the reference would be too obscure): we took a bath today and I did much better.  You totally flinched when you first hit the water, then you completely relaxed and let all your worries just wash away.

Good Will Dumping: no poops today. You’re the best!
Sideways: good workout, no lazy steps.  Well, no steps at all.  You’re, like, two months old.

Radio Crier one of the things I’m really starting to love is hearing you mew & grunt & yawn & sigh on your baby monitor. Too fecking cute!  KLOL—all Lola, all the time with fewer interruptions in the morning.

Tomorrow is our last day of just you and me.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

From Here to Paternity—Eat, Play, Love

Day 8. Awesome!  You slept like a beast in morning, letting me do some school work. We played a bunch, went for a walk, had some tummy time, and generally bonded.

Bottle Rocket: you ate at 6:20, 9:30, 12:40, 3:00, 5:19 
While You Were Sleeping: I made a powerpoint and corresponding “notes” for school, finally did yesterday’s blog, and various Mr. Mom things

Lotion’s Eleven: some days, you love spa time; some days you hate it.  Today was the latter….or should I say “lather”? No. No I shouldn’t.
Shitizen Kane: look: two dumps yesterday and a load-and-a-half today? The category name may be inappropriate, but nonetheless accurate.
A Star is Björn: we went on a 30 minute power walk in the ‘hood.  You were awake and alert the whole time! It was incredibly awesome! We listened to:
The Strokes=>Smashing Pumpkins=>The Shins=>Paul Simon=>Talking Heads=>The Beatles=>Wilco=>The Shins (again!—shuffle always does that)=>Steve Earle

Sideways: good workout.  You got some good head lifts and totally shredded your quads!
Spy Hard: we locked eyes for, like, ten minutes while I made insane noises. Awesomeness.

Let's do this again tomorrow!

From Here to Paternity—Life of Cryin’

Day 7. You cried all day—like you had a quota to catch up on.  You also woke Daddy up at “wrong” time of night (morning?)

Bottle Rocket: You ate at 7:30, 9:38, 12:40, 3:30, 6 somethin’
While You Were Sleeping: you didn’t
Lotion’s Eleven: our day peaked during spa time (unfortunately this was at 8 in the morning)—you totally relaxed

We'll get 'em tomorrow.