Sunday, June 26, 2011

Bradley Reunion

Though we failed spectacularly at natural child birth (that epidural was goooood), we were invited to the Bradley Baby Reunion.  Our natural birthing classmates all met to get those little babies together.  There were eight couples in the class, and eight healthy babies were born since we all last met in December.  Beautiful babies! Lola has a ready-made pool of birthday party guests! At only five months!

Monday, June 13, 2011


Took Lola to the Galloways.  She went horizontal as soon as she hit the water, kicking and splashing.  We got ourselves a water baby.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Summer Time

Thankfully, finally we were released from our duties at Travis HS and are on SUMMER BREAK! Yes, we still get paid.  Yes, we are freaking lucky.  But, I promise you, we put up with enough hassle during the year to deserve this.  Loving our new schedule.  Now time to tackle things like getting baby on a sleep schedule, trying solids, eating lunch at a normal speed . . . .

Wednesday, June 1, 2011