Sunday, December 12, 2010

Nesting II

Step 1: Ready the room.

Step 2: Celebrate crib assembly with beer.

Step 3: Marshall picks up the pace with changing table. (By the way, my mom and I are slaving away doing baby laundry. Or, as Marshall lovingly said, gabbing and cackling.)
Step 4: Marshall gets owned by the dresser. It got a little tense ;)

Step 5: My mom and I slip in to decorate

Step 6: Relax--job done.  For now.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Baby Shower #3

That's right.  3rd baby shower.  This one was in Austin, thrown by my girls, Anna, Nora, Sara, Cecilia.  How do you get guys to come to a baby shower? Replace "shower" with "party" and games with keg.  One of our best memories being pregnant.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Baby Shower #1 and 2

My dad and Pat threw us a fun baby shower in SA.  We met up with family and friends and had wonderful time catching up.  Waiting for pics to post!

Then, the next day, my mom, Marshall's mom, and Leyna threw an all-girls baby shower.  Even the Bramlette ladies were able to join us. Girly fun and games!  My sis practically bought our whole registry!

After all the baby shower craziness, we realized how loved we are.  So grateful for our San Antonio family and friends.

Monique's cute, right?
All (almost all) of the beautiful daughters and granddaughters of Celia Almendarez.

My Leyny. Thank god she's a text away.  She fields all of my pg questions.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

3D Sonogram

Our baby in all her 3D glory.  Marshall and I were kind of stunned--there's our baby.  Even now, I have a hard time imagining that the little face in these pictures is thriving inside of me. 

Saturday, October 2, 2010

The Bump Groweth

About two months of growth between these pics.  Healthy bump's a pretty good birthday present.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Nesting I

Three big tasks: paint living room, paint baby room, clear out garage.  Marshall bossed Eva around, but she cheerfully ignored him and schooled all of us.  A little bit closer to baby ready.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Baby at 19 weeks.  We freaked out! Found out she was a little girl.  Called parents and sibs and close friends.  Things started to get real.